The Ninth Edition continues the approach of earlier editions in emphasizing rich, full-bodied versions of the principal cases, a functionalist approach to the problems of contract law, and analytical notes on such issues as the differences between classical and modern contract law and the role of the limits of cognition in contract law. The new edition includes a great number of new principal cases and case notes, including extensive coverage of pertinent materials in the new restatement of restitution and up to date materials on "rolling contracts."
Manageable length that makes this book ideal for shorter courses. New end-of-chapter Quick Quizzes that provide a final self-check of students’ knowledge.
Basic Contract Law
Basic Contract Law
The newly revised edition of the best-selling text; Basic Contract Law for Paralegals gives students a firm foundation in the basics of contract law.
The included study aids are Contracts in a Nutshell, Exam Pro on Contracts and Acing Contracts. The redemption code will be shipped to you with the book.
Basic Contract Law
Basic Contract Law Paralegals TM
Basic Contract Drafting Assignments: A Narrative Approach is a unique supplement of contract drafting exercises designed to be used with any contracts or drafting course book.
The Concise Edition is a stream-lined version for a four unit course.
Instructor's Manual to Basic Contract Law for Paralegals 3rd Edition