The Corporation in Perspective; Unincorporated Business Forms; Formation of Corporations; Limited Role of Ultra Vires; Preincorporation Transactions; "Piercing the Corporate Veil" and Related Problems; Financing the Corporation; Distribution of Powers Within a Corporation; Special Problems; Shares and Shareholders; Directors; Officers; Closely Held Corporation; Publicly Held Corporation; Duties of Directors, Shareholders and Officers; Indemnification and Insurance; Shareholder's Suits; Class Action Suits; Dividends, Distributions and Redemptions; Inspection of Books and Records; Organic Changes; Amendments, Mergers and Dissolution.
Meanwhile Bradley had invented a process by which the smelting could be carried on without the use of external heat, ... Bradley's improvement resulted in great economy in manufacture, so that, although after April 2, 1906, anyone could ...
Explains basics essential of agency and partnership law, including recent developments. The Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA) has been adopted by about half of the states, and other developments, such...
Corporations: Examples and Explanations
A complete and concise introduction to the law of business organizations for paralegals. This text covers topics ranging from corporations and limited liability companies partnerships and sole proprietorships. Excerpts from...
Traces the history of the gradual evolution of two opposing theories concerning corporations active in a legal sovereignty other than that in which their charter was secured.
This second edition of the pioneering Hyatt and French Community Association Law coursebook is an ideal vehicle for introducing students to this increasingly important subject. From housing just 2 million...
Agency Relation; Authority and Power of Agents; Ratification; Termination of Agent's Powers, Master and Servant, Notice and Knowledge; Duties of Agent to Principal; Duties of Principal to Agent; Duties of...
Cases and Materials on Agency and Partnership and Other Forms of Business Associations