This legal research exercise book helps students master efficient legal research skills through challenging in-depth problems. The 11th edition contains fifteen assignments, with all new problems.
There are also review problems, appropriate for basic and advanced legal research classes. The new edition's questions/answers follow the 19th edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (2010).
Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation: To Accompany Berring & Edinger's Finding the Law and...
Legal Research Exercises, Following The Bluebook : a Uniform System of Citation, Seventh Edition: To Accompany Robert C. Berring's Finding...
Instructor's Manual to Accompany Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation: To Accompany Berring & Edinger's...
Instructors Manual for Legal Research Exercises Following the Bluebook: a Uniform System of Citation: To Accompany Berring & Edinger's Finding...
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
Barbara J. Busharis & Suzanne E. Rowe, Florida Legal Research (3rd ed., Carolina Academic Press 2007). Georgia: Nancy P. Johnson, Elizabeth G. ... Iowa: John D. Edwards, Iowa Legal Research Guide (Hein 2003). Kansas: Joseph A. Custer ...
Individual chapters include explanatory text with examples, a checklist summary of the text, and a citation exercise for practicing and reinforcing the rules covered in the chapter.
The form of this workbook is process-oriented. You can find a list of the volumes needed for each assignment at the beginning of each chapter, along with an introduction. To...