Reliable source of local government law features added emphasis on finance, including special tax districts and the implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Discusses taxation, borrowing, and updating in the area of 1983. A review of each rule is included, accompanied by expert explanation of its underlying concepts.
As a practical guidebook on local government law, this book provides a basic and empowering understanding for officials and private actors in the local government arena.
Hardbound - New, hardbound print book.
In other words, a local government will not be liable for its failure to remedy a dangerous condition that it did not create.12 Some states have also sought to limit responsibility for nuisances by statute.13 Footnotes: 1 See OSBORNE, ...
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This book provides a number of windows into homeland security and emergency management law - covering both the basic structure of the homeland security and emergency management system and presenting detailed analysis of specific areas (such ...
This work provides a series of essays on issues of local government for the general practitioner. A full treatment of the many questions, conflicts, and problems in local government law is set forth in the book.
Antieau on Local Government Law
Local Government Law