Comprehensive, yet intelligible treatment of the basic rules, principles, statutes, and issues governing the law of bank regulation. Examines the rapid pace of development in depository institution regulation, and how federal statutes governing banking have been subject to constant amendment in recent years. Discusses the growing overlap in competition among depository institutions, insurance companies, and securities firms that has further complicated regulatory policy. Detailed sections discuss: the regulated environment of banking, entry rules, branching, control transactions, transactional rules, holding company activities, securities regulation, resolution of institution failures, international banking, and bank regulation and social policy.
A fund that followed the SEC's rules could take advantage of a 'penny rounding' convention, namely rounding the price per ... 15 See J Gordon and C Gandia, 'Money Market Funds Run Risk: Will Floating Net Asset Value Fix the Problem?
An accessible, comprehensive analysis of the main principles and rules of banking regulation in the post-crisis regulatory reform era, this textbook looks at banking regulation from an inter-disciplinary perspective across law, economics, ...
See Glass-Steagall Act (1933) banking book, 167–168 interest rate risk, 178 trading book vs., 168 bankruptcy ... 226 Customer Due Diligence for Banks, 227 General Guide to Account Opening and Customer Identification, 227 Capital Accord.
This paper studies whether compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCPs) improves bank soundness.
This book covers all essential topics in a straightforward manner and builds, from basic to complex, a very useful tool for everyone in this environment." —Tom O'Connor Head of Treasury KBC Bank NV, London
Analytical background -- Nature of systemic risk -- Who should be regulated (by whom) -- Counter-cyclical regulation -- Regulation of liquidity and maturity mismatches -- Other regulatory issues -- The structure of regulation -- Conclusions ...
This book explores the Swedish experience of banking development, regulation and financial crisis from 1900 to 2015.
This paper studies whether compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCPs) improves bank soundness.
What's Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It - Updated Edition Anat Admati, Martin Hellwig. Acheson, Greame G., Charles R. Hickson, and John D. Turner. 2010. “Does Limited Liability Matter? Evidence from Nineteenth-Century British ...
The papers from the conference are collected in this volume.