This sixth edition is a major update with new cases, notes, and commentary in all subjects, as well as an expansion to new areas of land use regulation that make the book more modern and comprehensive. New topics include global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, renewable solar and wind energy, rainwater capture and conservation, and green development standards. This edition also includes: A new section on zoning litigation covering ripeness, finality, and exhaustion of remedies; standing; statutes of limitations; and judicial review Commentary on intergovernmental conflicts and judicial takings Enhanced coverage of modern state planning acts, types of plans, and cases on consistency
Federal Land Use Law & Litigation
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Xin Jie Tu Di Qie Yue (xu Qi) Tiao Li (di 150 Zhang). New...
Moore indicates how the Court's recognition of a fundamental liberty interest affects its review of zoning ordinances under the due process clause . The justifications advanced for the exclusion of related individuals from a family in ...
Evaluating and Conserving Green Infrastructure Across the Landscape: A Practitioner's Guide
Whose Vision?: The Political Ecology of Land-use Policy in Nevada County, California
The book offers information on planning enquiries, the development and control of contaminated land, planning controls on extractive industries and retail trades, and enforcement
This book helps to show the way. This volume is being published in association with the Centre for Agrarian Studies and Disaster Mitigation of the National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRD and PR).
There may be some situations in which even the 5 See generally Plater , The Takings Issue in a Natural Setting : Floodlines and the Police Power , 52 Tex . L. Rev. 201 ( 1974 ) ; F. Bosselman , D. Callies & J. Banta , The Takings Issue ...
Public Perceptions of Natural and Modified Landscapes of the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand
Public Perceptions of Outstanding Natural Landscapes in the Auckland Region