1993 ) ; Hollinger v . Tital Capital Corp. , 914 F.2d 1564 , 1572–76 ( 9th Cir . 1990 ) ( en banc ) ; In re Indep . Energy Holdings PLC Sec . Litig . , 154 F. Supp . 2d 741 , 772 ( S.D.N.Y. 2001 ) ; In re Xerox Corp. Sec .
See , e.g. , Alan N. Resnick , Bankruptcy as a Vehicle for Resolving Enterprise - Threatening Mass Tort Liability , 148 U. Pa . L. Rev. 2045 , 2050-54 ( 2000 ) ; Barbara J. Houser , Chapter 11 as a Mass Tort Solution , 31 Loy . LA .
Multidistrict Litigation Manual: Practice Before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation 2011
Annotated Manual for Complex Litigation
Annotated Manual Complex Lit 3
Annotated Manual for Complex Litigation, Third, 1999
Annotate Manual Complex Literature
Litigation in Complex Cases - 1994
1974 ) ; 3B James W. Moore & John E. Kennedy , Moore's Federal Practice , 1 23.50 , at 23-411 to 23-412 ( 2d ed . 1993 ) . 681. Rice v . Philadelphia , 66 F.R.D. 17 ( E.D. Pa . 1974 ) . A class action seeking injunctive and declaratory ...
Manual for Complex Litigation, Fourth