240 The Seventh Circuit rejected a defendant's argument that the Commission's proposed amendment " indicate [ s ] the Sentencing Commission obviously did not consider the racially ... Gaines , 122 F.3d 324 ( 6th 245United States v .
Federal Sentencing Law and Practice, 1996 Edition
Federal Sentencing Law and Practice
Fox , 137 F.3d 527 ( 7th Cir.1998 ) , defendant Miller had stolen two explosive devices in Tennessee and moved to Wisconsin , where he met defendant Fox . Fox “ agreed to assist Miller in an attempt to sell the explosives .
Federal Sentencing Law and Practice
Federal Sentencing Law and Practice, 1991 Supplement
Practice Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Practice Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Practice Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines with CDROM
The Third Edition has been updated to include recent developments in sentencing case law and provocative discussions of policy debates across a wide range of topics, including discretion in sentencing, race, death penalty abolition, state ...
Practice Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines