Trusts and Estates Legal Strategies is an authoritative, insiders perspective on successfully drafting and executing estate plans. Featuring partners and chairs from some of the nations leading law firms, these experts discuss strategies for understanding a clients objectives, analyzing and planning a strategy, and implementing and monitoring an estate plan. From educating the client and determining the clients goals to executing legal strategies, these authors discuss credit shelter planning, transfer tax, gift tax, GST tax exemption, and more. The different niches represented and the breadth of perspectives presented enable readers to get inside some of the great legal minds of today as these experienced lawyers offer up their thoughts around the keys to success within this dynamic field.
Sorting Out Life's Complexities: What You Really Need to Know about Taxes, Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorneys, Retirement Plans, Health...
The Roth IRA All Qualified Distributions Are Tax Free from a Roth IRA This much talked about IRA features tax free accumulation of investment earnings like most other retirement plans . The Roth IRA differs from the traditional IRA ...
Florida Estate Planning
Wills Trust 94 Sup
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Family Wealth Transactions: Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Second Edition. 1982 supplement
Estate and Gift Tax Digest: 1985 cumulative supplement no. 1, including expanded coverage of subchapter J--income taxation of trusts and...
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Provides the fundamentals of personal insurance and personal financial planning for insurance professionals who can use the information to better serve their clients as well as manage their own loss exposures and financial planning ...
Explains how probate works and what a living trust can do that a will cannot. Illustrates simple ways to avoid probate and save hundreds of dollars.