Teachers Manual for Fundamentals of Pretrial Litigation
A forcible detainer action is not an exclusive remedy and does not preclude concurrent actions for trespass, damage, ... an appeal may be taken from a final judgment of a county court, statutory county court, statutory probate court, ...
This book is designed to be useful both to clinical students working on their first cases and to classroom students expecting an intellectually satisfying law school experience. A Document Supplement is available.
"With new co-author David Marcus, the ninth edition of Pretrial ushers in a fresh voice and a continued commitment to timely and authoritative coverage.
Ohio Pretrial Litigation
California Pretrial Practice & Forms
Softbound - New, softbound print book.
Sample pleadings are also incuded. Discussion problems & other practice materials contained in the text apply procedural rules & statutes to show their practical functions in the litigation process. Annual Supplement
Texas Civil Procedure: Pretrial Litigation
Pretrial Litigation: Law, Policy, and Practice