"The story of Bessie Coleman, the first African American woman to earn her pilot's license"--
This book is for the woman in the pew who somehow, by God's divine intervention, finds it in her hand and has to catch her breath because she suddenly feels like she's free falling.I wrote this book just for you. Let's dig in.
This book contains never previously published research explaining Herbert Armstrongâs Holiness Quaker upbringing. It also includes extensive research on the WCGâs comparison to a cult, and the characteristics that actually define a cult.
Never one for a quiet life, this paperback edition includes the story of Nigel's extraordinary escape from death in a plane crash on the eve of the 2010 general election (the light aircraft he was flying in got caught up in a UKIP banner it ...
Free Flight features the stories of three groups who are inventing and building the future of all air travel: NASA, Cirrus Design in Duluth, Minnesota, and Eclipse Aviation in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
When owner Jennifer Katzinger opened The Flying Apron Bakery in 2002, she wanted to accommodate more people, as well as use healthier ingredients, so she eliminated gluten, dairy, egg, soy, and wheat. The mouthwatering result?
Surveys the history of black aviators, from the early black aviation community in Chicago in the 1920s through World War II to modern times.
We began to realize we were flying free of those encumbrances that had held us so firmly in the past, encumbrances that somehow had enticed us to stop looking at what was really important. Funny how the view changes when you begin to ...
As I had arranged to meet Fay at the bottom of our street, and I didn't want to be late, I left the gardens early. Billy's dog was still barking when granda walked with me to the gates. “If you're coming to the race tomorrow I'll meet ...
Joni Jones understands what it is like to look in the mirror and see only fat and thin is never thin enough. She knows the power of food. Plain and simple: Joni has been there.
Fly Free is an anecdotal account of these experiences, shared unabashedly and candidly by Bernadette.