Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince have long been fascinated by the conspiracies surrounding secret knowledge of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and John the Baptist, much of which centred on the activities of the Priory of Sion. In this work, the authors look closely at this controversial organization and the secrets it allegedly protects.
Following on from The TemplarRevelation and The Stargate Conspiracy, Picknett andPrince delve more deeply into the secrets of the Prioryof Sion.
Painstakingly researched and thoroughly documented, The Templar Revelation presents a secret history, preserved through the centuries but encoded in works of art and even in the great Gothic cathedrals of Europe, whose final chapter could ...
In this revelatory book, inside sources from the Priory of Sion give exclusive access to some of their best-kept secrets, including proof of the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
For example, one alchemical symbol that is widely acknowledged by modern scholars is that of an old bearded man, the back of whose head shows a young woman looking into a mirror. A statue with this image graces the interior of Nantes ...
H. St. J. Thackeray. The Life/Against Apion. London: William Heinemann/New York: G. P. ... Keener, Craig S. A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. ... The Gospel of Thomas: The Gnostic Wisdom of Jesus. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, ...
Explains the mysterious background of the bestseller ¿The Da Vinci Code¿.
7 Quoted in Davies, The Mind of God, p. 199. 8 Stockwood (ed.), p. 64. 9 Davies, The Mind of God, Chapter 8. 10 Feynman, p. 12. 11 Davies, The Mind of God, p. 197. 12 In the BBC Radio 4 programme 'The Multiverse' (see note 1 above).
Acting as a historical detective, the author of this text strips away the layers of deception and propaganda that surround the Christian story in a quest to find the real Mary Magdalene, asking such questions as was she a reformed ...
This book is the definitive work on Rennes-le-Château and the Priory of Sion by the only man who has had access to all the major players, places and papers.
Provocative & stimulating, STARGATE CONSPIRACY is a book of and for the new millennium.