The Systematic Design of Instruction simply and clearly introduces students to the fundamentals of instructional design and helps them learn the concepts and procedures for designing, developing, and formatively evaluating instruction. Often referred to as a key resource of the instructional design field, this classic text is ideal for use in graduate-level educational and instructional technology programs. The text is also used widely as a manual by human resource professionals in business, industrial, and government training. The fifth edition builds on a successful foundation with discussions of the impact of new technologies and the Internet as well as current design processes used in classroom, distance, and other instructional settings.
This classic book simply and clearly introduces readers to the fundamentals of instructional design and helps them learn the concepts and procedures for designing, developing, and evaluating instruction for all delivery formats.
The purpose of this volume is to expand and refine our understanding of the use of design-based research (DBR) in CALL by contributing to the growing body of literature in this area.
A modified version of the survey instrument utilized in the national study was used for this investigation. Additional items were added to address gaps pointed out by the national respondents...
The revised and updated fifth edition of The ID CaseBook provides instructional design students with twenty-six realistic, open-ended case studies that encourage adept problem-solving across a variety of client types and through all stages ...
It begins by showing how to identify the target market for such a system . Then , it looks at some of the basic principles that underlie the setting of effective student learning targets , and provides practical guidance on how to ...
This book shows you how to get started and how to continue to improve learning, performance and the quality of school life.
An online version of The Instructional Use of Learning Objects, a book that tries to go beyond the technological hype and connect learning objects to instruction and learning.
The text is designed to aid your learning in several ways.
A practitioner’s guide geared toward the newcomer to professional instructional design, Instructional Design—Step by Step presents an easy-to-understand process that includes these features: • A primer on understanding how humans ...
Avec cette question en tête, Ugo Cavenaghi et Isabelle Senécal mènent depuis 15 ans une démarche d’innovation portant sur toutes les dimensions de la vie scolaire : une pédagogie active adaptée aux besoins des élèves ...