College Geometry is an approachable text, covering both Euclidean and Non-Euclidean geometry. This text is directed at the one semester course at the college level, for both pure mathematics majors and prospective teachers. A primary focus is on student participation, which is promoted in two ways: (1) Each section of the book contains one or two units, called Moments for Discovery, that use drawing, computational, or reasoning experiments to guide students to an often surprising conclusion related to section concepts; and (2) More than 650 problems were carefully designed to maintain student interest.
Translated into many languages, this book was in continuous use as the standard university-level text for a quarter-century, until it was revised and enlarged by the author in 1952.
An important difference of this book from the majority of modern college geometry texts is that it avoids axiomatics. The students using this book have had very little experience with formal mathematics.
Elementary College Geometry
College Geometry is divided into two parts.
Through clear explanations and numerous examples and problems, this text shows step-by-step how fundamental geometric ideas are connected to advanced geometry.
To make learning interactive and enjoyable, this new edition includes exciting new features such as Technology Connections and Hands-on Activities. Knowledge of beginning algebra and a scientific calculator are required for this text.
Designed for mathematics majors and other students who intend to teach mathematics at the secondary school level, College Geometry: A Unified Development unifies the three classical geometries within an axiomatic framework.
Introduction to vector algebra in the plane; circles and coaxial systems; mappings of the Euclidean plane; similitudes, isometries, Moebius transformations, much more. Includes over 500 exercises.
The book's discovery-based approach guides students to explore geometric worlds through computer-based activities, enabling students to make observations, develop conjectures, and write mathematical proofs.
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