Concepts before computation is what this Hewitt text is all about. The text brings physics, chemistry, earth science, and astronomy together in a manner that captivates students' interest. This is serious science in a very readable and student-friendly format. With an emphasis on qualitative analysis, students get a gut feel for the science they're studying. Students will learn to appreciate and differentiate among major scientific ideas rather than reduce them to algebraic problem solving. This sets the foundation for more serious study of the life sciences in subsequent courses.
"Conceptual Physical Science Explorations, 2/e "presents a clear and engaging introduction to physics, chemistry, astronomy, and earth sciences.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Conceptual Physical Science, Fifth Edition, takes learning physical science to a new level by combining Hewitt's leading conceptual approach with a friendly writing style, strong integration of the sciences, more quantitative coverage, and ...
This workbook provides 150 practice pages of insightful questions to help students develop an understanding of all the key ideas.
This manual contains interesting lab experiments that use minimal equipment, as well as a wide range of activities similar to the projects in the textbook.
This guide provides simple, pre-class activities and experiments to complement instructors' courses. Instructions and answers to most of the laboratory questions are provided in the Instructor Manual.
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the...
Conceptual Physical Science--explorations
Books a la Carte for Conceptual Physical Science Explorations
Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all of the testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events from the textbook are included. Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the...