An undergraduate text, this work takes as its central theme the increasing tension in American politics between a general philosophy of limited government and particular public demands for more and better government programmes and services.
About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work.
This version of Essentials of American Government, 2012 Election Edition includes all ten chapters from Magleby/Light’s State and Local Government by the People, 16/e at a lower price than the two books packaged together.
The purpose of this book is to offer a no-frills, low-cost, yet comprehensive overview of the American political system for students taking introductory courses in American national government.
This access code gives you access to all of MyPoliSciLab’s grade-boosting resources. Access code also includes a complete E-Book of O'Connor/Sabato, Essentials of American Government: Roots and Reform, 2009 Edition, 9/e.
Most importantly, it encourages them to discover that politics can be-and most often is-a good thing. This text features full integration with the New MyPoliSciLab.
American Government: Institutions and Policies
The Essentials Edition of AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES is a clear and approachable text for students trying to successfully understand American government.
The best-selling book published for American Government, AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY: THE ESSENTIALS helps students experience the excitement that comes from active, informed citizenship in a concisely organized package.
Essentials of American Government: Change and Continuity