Students will get more out of Elementary and Intermediate Algebra through George Woodbury's concise narrative and focused topic flow. By writing this text from the ground up as a single textbook, George has reduced the amount of overlap typically found in these courses and focused instead on providing more exercises and applications. As a result, your students will be better prepared for higher-level mathematics courses.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. ALERT: Before...
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra: Graphs & Models
With a strong emphasis on skill-building, applications in the real world, and preparation for further math courses, this text unites the concepts of Elementary Algebra and Intermediate Algebra in one convenient and economical volume.
Practice is essential in making these connections and it is emphasized in ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, 5e, with additional practice problems both in the text and Enhanced WebAssign.
The Dugopolski series in developmental mathematics has helped thousands of students succeed in their developmental math courses.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
The text is known for its two-column example format that provides annotations to the left of the algebra.
This edition also includes iLrn Testing and Tutorial; Personal Tutor with SMARTHINKING live online tutoring; the Interactive Video Skillbuilder CD-ROM with MathCue; a Book Companion Web Site featuring online graphing calculator resources; ...
The book is designed for a combined beginning and intermediate algebra course, or it can be used across two courses, and is appropriate for lecture, learning center, laboratory, or self-paced courses.
The Bittinger Graphs and Models Series helps readers learn algebra by making connections between mathematical concepts and their real-world applications.