With an emphasis on elections and their importance in our political system, Morris Fiorina and Paul Peterson's groundbreaking text offers a stimulating, analytical approach to American government that engages students as it gives them a unique understanding of their political system as it exists and functions today. The accessibility of instant public opinion polls, the growing influence of Internet, the ubiquitous nature of the news media, and the increasingly important role of interest groups all of which Fiorina and Peterson use to demonstrate that America is moving toward a more popular democracy have blurred the lines between campaigning and governing. Politicians today are constantly engaged in the campaign process a "permanent campaign" this has profoundly affected how our government functions today. The fifth edition of this presitgious text has been brought completely up-to-date through the second George W. Bush administration and 2006 midterm elections, includes engaging debate-style readings throughout, and is now also available in a unique "Sandbox" format that allows instructors to seamlessly blend text chapters with policy material and/or selections from the "Great Questions in Politics" series.
The New American Democracy, 7th ed., offers a stimulating, analytical approach to American government and a unique perspective on contemporary politics with an emphasis on elections and their importance in the American political system.
Framing the book around five ideas that have shaped Texas politics past and present, the authors explain how conflicts over these ideas have altered political processes, institutions, and public policies in Texas.
"Between 1866 and 1932 - between the Civil War and the New Deal - the American system of governance was fundamentally transformed with momentous implications for modern American social and economic life.
The New American Democracy
New American Democracy: Interactive Edition
Completely updated through Election 2000 and its aftermath, The New American Democracy is the only text available that addresses the recent, fundamental shift in the way American government functions.
The science debates, Yuval Levin argues, expose the deepest strengths and greatest weaknesses of both the left and the right, and present serious challenges to American democratic self-government.
American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith is the companion volume to an exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History that celebrates the bold and radical experiment to test a wholly new form of government.
Updated in a new 7th edition, The New American Democracy offers a stimulating, analytical approach to American government and a unique perspective on contemporary politics with an emphasis on elections and their importance in the American ...
This Alternate Edition is the comprehensive version of The New American Democracy without the policy chapters.