This condensed, briefer version of the bestseller in American and Texas Government has now been updated to include complete coverage of the 2006 midterm elections, the campaigns and results, and the most relevant and important issues and events that have dominated the headlines and national dialogue throughout 2005 and 2006: the war in Iraq; the politics, policies, and fortunes of the second George W. Bush administration; the debate over illegal immigration; the new faces in and decisions from the Supreme Court; scandals and corruption with the executive and legislative branch, and more.
American and Texas Government Essentials
American and Texas Government Essentials - EBook
AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE when packaged with this text. Please visit us at
This new edition is published as a Longman Study Edition and therefore contains a battery of chapter tests for student study and practice.
New topics in this edition include debates over the federal government's involvement in healthcare, student loans, the election of Supreme Court justices, interest group lobbying of Congress, and partisan bias in the news media.
Updated in a new 11th edition, American and Texas Government: Policy and Politics introduces the essentials of American government in a way that any student can understand.
Fundamentals of American/Texas Government
New topics in this edition include debates over the federal government's involvement in healthcare, student loans, the election of Supreme Court justices, interest group lobbying of Congress, and partisan bias in the news media.
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole- punched, loose-leaf version.
Essentials of American and Texas Government: Continuity and Change, Books a La Carte Plus Mypoliscilab Blackboard/Webct