The brief edition of the number one book in American government continues to provide the most current and engaging introduction available for the course. Like the comprehensive edition, this nuts-and-bolts version was written with the belief that knowledge of the development of American government is integral to fully understand our current political system. Essentials of American Government: Continuity and Change is a student-friendly text offering a strong historical perspective that highlights the evolution of government and engages students with examples relevant to their lives today.
NEW TO THIS EDITION "In-depth and updated coverage throughout of the 2006 midterm campaigns and elections," the war in Iraq, the latest Supreme Court decisions, an analysis of "Red and Blue" America, the changing role of the media, and ...
Essentials of American Government 2006: Continuity and Change
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NEW TO THIS EDITION "In-depth and updated coverage throughout of the 2006 midterm campaigns and elections," the war in Iraq, the latest Supreme Court decisions, an analysis of "Red and Blue" America, the changing role of the media, and ...
Praised for its balanced and up-to-the-minute coverage, this book focuses on the fundamentals?the constitutional, governmental, political, social, and economic structures and processes that are the core of American government.
American government and politics today: 2006-2007
The best-selling book published for American Government, AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY: THE ESSENTIALS helps students experience the excitement that comes from active, informed citizenship in a concisely organized package.
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Wilson American Government Essentials 10th Ed + Cigler American Politics 7th Ed + 2006 Election Supplement