Fluency with Information Technology: Skills, Concepts, and Capabilities, Third Edition,equips readers who are already familiar with computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web with a deeper understanding of the broad capabilities of technology. Becoming Skilled at Information Technology:Terms of Endearment: Defining Information Technology; What the Digerati Know: Exploring the Human–Computer Interface; Making the Connection: The Basics of Networking; Marking Up with HTML: A Hypertext Markup Language Primer; Searching for Truth: Locating Information on the WWW; Searching for Guinea Pig B: Case Study in Online Research.Algorithms and Digitizing Information:To Err Is Human: An Introduction to Debugging; Bits and the "Why" of Bytes: Representing Information Digitally; Following Instructions: Principles of Computer Operation; What's the Plan? Algorithmic Thinking; Light, Sound, Magic: Representing Multimedia Digitally.Data and Information:Computers in Polite Society: Social Implications of IT; Shhh, It's a Secret: Privacy and Digital Security; Fill-in-the-Blank Computing: Basics of Spreadsheets; ‘What If’ Thinking Helps: Advanced Spreadsheets for Planning; A Table with a View: Database Queries; iDiary: A Case Study in Database Design.Problem Solving:Get with the Program: Fundamental Concepts Expressed in JavaScript; The Bean Counter: A JavaScript Program; Thinking Big: Programming Functions; Once Is Not Enough: Iteration Principles; The Smooth Motion: Case Study in Algorithmic Problem Solving; Computers Can Do Almost {Everything, Nothing}: Limits to Computation; A Fluency Summary: Click to Close. For all readers interested in computers, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and a deeper understanding of the broad capabilities of technology.
Century 21 Plus: Computer Applications with Document Formatting
A variety of techniques related to computer applications in social studies, science, math, arts/literature, and the environment/health for middle school students are featured.
Social Studies with Computers
The entire approach allows students to map their way quickly and easily through the book, focusing on the key objectives, and using their own efficient study habits as a model for success.
Explore, discover, and experience technology with the completely revised and visually enhanced Technology in Action - the book that uses technology to teach technology!
Digital Technologies in the Classroom is available as part of the Pearson Teacher Education Series. The Teacher Education Series features modules authored by leaders in the field of education on hot and timely topics.
Features of this series include easily understood explanations of how a computer functions and of the components of a PC, defining the terminology in simple terms; self-contained units setting out frequent procedures and other necessary ...
Computer Literacy
... Cynthia Rylant & Wendy Anderson My Home ( My World ) , Tammy J. Schlepp & Alvin Granowsky My Little Island ... Bryan Collier The Village of Round and Square Houses , Ann Grifalconi When Africa Was Home , Karen L. Williams When I Was ...
The Electronic Classroom