Study Guide for University Physics Vols 2 And 3
This edition contains 20 photographs of parts of Chartres cathedral mentioned in the text."
Chapters 1-20
The Student Study Guide summarizes the essential information in each chapter and provides additional problems for the student to solve, reinforcing the text's emphasis on problem-solving strategies and student misconceptions.
The Student Study Guide summarizes the essential information in each chapter and provides additional problems for the student to solve, reinforcing the text s emphasis on problem-solving strategies and student misconceptions. "
For more than five decades, Sears and Zemansky's College Physics has provided the most reliable foundation of physics education for students around the world. The Ninth Edition continues that tradition...
Sears & Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics, Technology Update
Student Solutions Manual for University Physics Vols 2 And 3
University Physics with Modern Physics, Twelfth Edition continues an unmatched history of innovation and careful execution that was established by the bestselling Eleventh Edition.
For the Eighth Edition, Robert Geller joins Hugh Young to produce a comprehensive update of this benchmark text.