Acclaimed for its clarity and precision, Wade's Organic Chemistry maintains scientific rigor while engaging students at all levels. Wade presents a logical, systematic approach to understanding the principles of organic reactivity and the mechanisms of organic reactions. This approach helps students develop the problem-solving strategies and the scientific intuition they will apply throughout the course and in their future scientific work. The Eighth Edition provides enhanced and proven features in every chapter, including new Chapter Goals, Essential Problem-Solving Skills and Hints that encourage both majors and non-majors to think critically and avoid taking "short cuts" to solve problems. Mechanism Boxes and Key Mechanism Boxes strengthen student understanding of Organic Chemistry as a whole while contemporary applications reinforce the relevance of this science to the real world. NOTE: This is the standalone book Organic Chemistry,8/e if you want the book/access card order the ISBN below: 0321768140 / 9780321768148 Organic Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0321768418 / 9780321768414 Organic Chemistry 0321773799 / 9780321773791 MasteringChemistry with Pearson eText -- Valuepack Access Card -- for Organic Chemistry
Baker's yeast was used to convert the diketone shown into alcohol 1, with an ee of 84%.3 The specific rotation for the pure ... Calculate the observed specific rotation, [α], for the sample of 1 that was synthesized with baker's yeast.
Organic Chemistry 1: An Open Textbook
This text is an unbound, three hole punched version. Access to WileyPLUS sold separately.
The text is not only for students who wish to be familiarized with a different style of organic chemistry nomenclature, but also for professors who aim to give students an enjoyable yet memorable learning experience.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.
Complete with new explanations and example equations, this book will help you ace your organic chemistry class!
Joel Karty has dedicated nearly a decade developing a teaching approach and textbook that is organized by mechanism, promotes learning by doing, and provides students with the background and support they need to be successful in organic ...
This text is specifically designed to help introductory Organic Chemistry students Understand The fundamental concepts covered in undergraduate organic chemistry.
The first edition of this book was welcomed with great enthusiasm by teachers and students.
This important book: Provides an in-depth study of organic compounds with division by reaction types that bridges the gap between general and organic chemistry Covers the concepts needed to understand organic chemistry and teaches how to ...