Nutrition: From Science to You

Nutrition: From Science to You
Benjamin Cummings
Kathy D. Munoz, Joan Salge Blake, Stella Volpe


Bring nutrition into focus with an innovative approach. Nutrition: From Science to You, Second Edition provides the tools you need to understand the science of nutrition and successfully apply it in your personal life and future career. This text personalizes nutritional information to engage you in the subject matter, while retaining the scientific rigor needed for academic success. Innovative pedagogical features aid study and review, illustrate key concepts, hone necessary academic skills, promote improved personal nutrition, highlight the importance of nutrition in overall health, and explore the insights of nutrition scientists and other professionals in the field of nutrition. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience--for you and your students. Here's how: Clarify Tough Topics: Focus Figures, and Visual Chapter Summaries all work together to bring clarity to concepts that are hard to understand. Boost Critical Thinking: Health Connection features, Examining the Evidence features, and Nutrition in Practice case studies encourage students to think critically about nutrition.

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