This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Emphasizing environmental considerations, Corwin’s acclaimed lab manual offers a proven format of a prelaboratory assignment, a stepwise procedure, and a postlaboratory assignment. More than 300,000 students to date in Introductory Chemistry, Preparatory Chemistry, and Allied Health Chemistry have used these “bullet-proof” experiments successfully. The Sixth Edition features a completely updated interior design, new environmental icons denoting “green” features, updated prelabs, and much more. Corwin’s lab manual can be packaged with any Pearson Intro Prep Chemistry book.
Laboratory Manual for Introductory Chemistry
Paying particular attention to the environmental issue, the Fifth Edition of this popular chemistry lab manual retains an effective format of a prelaboratory assignment, a stepwise procedure, and a postlaboratory assignment.Introduction to ...
By Wendy Gloffke, Cedar Crest College. Note: Lab Manual to accompany Russo/Silver, Introductory Chemistry
Introduction to Chemistry Lab Manual
The Mastering platform is the most widely used and effective online homework, tutorial, and assessment system for the sciences.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Manual
0321929926 / 9780321929921 Introductory Chemistry: Concepts and Critical Thinking & Laboratory Manual & Modified MasteringChemistry with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card Package Package consists of: 0321750942 / 9780321750945 ...
Introductory Chemistry: Laboratory Manual
This is the latest version of Charles H. Corwin's best selling lab manual, which has been used by over 250,000 students.
0132346664 / 9780132346665 Introductory Chemistry: Concepts & Connections Value Package (includes Study Guide/Selected Solutions Manual) Package consists of 0132321483 / 9780132321488 Introductory Chemistry: Concepts & Connections ...