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McClave & Sincich's Statistics: A First Course in Statistics gives you the best of both worlds. This text offers a trusted, comprehensive introduction to statistics that emphasizes inference and integrates real data throughout.
This updated classic text will aid readers in understanding much of the current literature on order statistics: a flourishing field of study that is essential for any practising statistician and a vital part of the training for students in ...
A First Course in Statistics
This book will be invaluable to first- year students in statistics as well as to students from other disciplines on courses with a 'statistics module'.
This is the only introduction you'll need to start programming in R, the open-source language that is free to download, and lets you adapt the source code for your own requirements.
The main difference between this text and many others is that an attempt is made here to present material in a rather relaxed and informal way without omitting important concepts.
First Course in Statistics
The Book of R is a comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide to R, the world’s most popular programming language for statistical analysis.
Variation; Aggregates; Measures of location; Measures of dispersion; Methods of computation; Skewness and kurtosis; Probability: populations and sample; Sampling: normal population; Tests of significance: the mean; Tests of signigicance: ...
This book offers a modern and accessible introduction to Statistical Inference, the science of inferring key information from data.