This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Drawing upon his passion for statistics and teaching, Mike Sullivan addresses the needs of today’s students, the challenges teachers face, and changes in the statistics community. With feedback from his own students and classroom experience, Fundamentals of Statistics provides the tools to help students learn better and think statistically in a concise, friendly presentation. The CD conatins all the student supplement content , the data sets, graphing calculator manual, excel manual, a PDF of the Formula and Table card from the back of the book, and a guide to using statcrunch with the title. Note: This is just the standalone book and CD, it does not come with an Access Card. If an Access Card is required ask your instructor for the ISBN of the package which would include the Book & CD plus the Access Card..
If you are looking for a streamlined textbook, which will help you think statistically and become a more informed consumer through analyzing data, then Sullivan's Fundamentals of Statistics, Third Edition, is the book for you.
Statistics in Health Administration Kept Simple covers essential fundamentals in a user-friendly way with a strong emphasis on practical applica
Fundamentals of Statistics
This book is also an ideal reference for lecturers, educators and newcomers to the field who wish to increase their knowledge of fundamental concepts. Engineering consulting firms will also find the explanations and examples useful.
Fundamentals of Statistics
This book gives them thorough preparation. • In twelve short chapters, your students will learn the purposes of descriptive statistics, their calculation, and proper interpretation. • Actual data on the emotional health of foster-care ...
This book provides a broad general survey of the principles of scientific method, and a substantial basic knowledge of statistics particularly in its application to scientific research and with special relevance to the fields of the social ...
Knowledge updating is a never-ending process and so should be the revision of an effective textbook. The book originally written fifty years ago has, during the intervening period, been revised and reprinted several times.
Theodore Coladarci, Casey D. Cobb, Edward W. Minium, Robert C. Clarke ... On the basis of the comparison in Step 4, Dr. Meyer makes one of two decisions about his hypothesis that m 1⁄4 250: It will be either \rejected" or \retained.
This is a text (divided into two volumes) for a two semester course in Mathematical Statistics at the Senior/Graduate level. The two main pedagogical aspects in these Volumes are: (i)...