The middle-level book in a three-book series, Connections helps developing writers make the connections between reading, writing, and critical thinking.The text moves beyond traditional sentence and paragraph exercises, offering a wide variety of activities and opportunities for journaling, supplemental readings, quick reference guides, and unique step-by-step writing assignments.Connections guides developmental writers gently through every stage of the writing process. 0321970500 / 9780321970503 Connections: Writing, Reading, and Critical Thinking with NEW MyWritingLab -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0205607330 / 9780205607334 Connections: Writing, Reading, and Critical Thinking 0205869203 / 9780205869206 NEW MyWritingLab Generic -- Valuepack Access Card
Written for deacons of all denominations, this book has implications for the whole church as the issues it raises go beyond the diaconate and touch on the nature of the church itself, on its ministry and its use of the scriptures.
Intended for use by college and university educators, this book contains theoretical ideas and practical activities designed to enhance and promote writing across the curriculum programs. Topics discussed in the...
Human history is fascinating and complex. To make world history easier for you to grasp, this textbook emphasizes nine themes.
Their day-to-day lives seem implausibly hard, and their resilience humbles at every turn. This book is about them. At its heart, this is their story.
The comprehensive scope of this collection will attract scholars of French North America, early American history, Atlantic World history, Caribbean studies, Canadian studies, and frontier studies.
This book is about families facing these challenges, uncertain about what to do, how to help, or how the condition will affect their daily life.
(C) Thames and Hudson. Figures 8.33 through 8.37. From Edmondson, 1987. Figure 8.39 From Williams, 1972. Figure 9.1 Redrawn by Bruce Brattstrom from Cundy and Rollett, 1961. Figure 9.3 By Thomas Andrasz. Figure 9.5 From Williams, 1972.
When it was first produced in 1959, A Raisin in the Sun was awarded the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for that season and hailed as a watershed in American drama.
In Between Earth and Sky, a rich tapestry of personal stories, information, and illustrations, world-renowned canopy biologist Nalini M. Nadkarni becomes our captivating guide to the leafy wilderness above our heads.
Peter Higgins shows how such puzzles as well as many real-world phenomena are underpinned by the same deep mathematical structure. Understanding mathematical networks can give us remarkable new insights into them all.