For general microbiology laboratory courses. Containing 57 thoroughly class-tested and easily customizable exercises, Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology, Eleventh Edition, provides engaging labs with instruction on performing basic microbiology techniques and applications for undergraduate students in diverse areas, including the biological sciences, allied health sciences, agriculture, environmental science, nutrition, pharmacy, and various pre-professional programs. The perfect companion to Tortora/Funke/Case's Microbiology: An Introduction or any introductory microbiology text, the Eleventh Edition features fourteen new Part-opening Case Studiesthat introduce students to a real world scenario or health-oriented case that connects the lab exercises to an engaging, familiar context. Updates to the new ASM BSL-2 safety lab protocol enhance flexibility and customization options for the instructor. MasteringMicrobiology's newly updated prelab quizzes along with MicroLab Tutors and Lab Technique Videos ensure students arrive prepared for each lab and provide additional review opportunities.
The 12th Edition of Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology is easier than ever to navigate and more visually effective with new icons indicating when an exercise addresses the human or environmental microbiome, is investigative, or ...
Experiments have been refined throughout the manual and the Tenth Edition includes an extensively revised exercise on transformation in bacteria using pGLO to introduce students to this important technique.
They include the bright - field , darkfield , ultraviolet , phase - contrast and fluorescent microscopes ; and ( b ) electron microscope , where the image is formed on a fluorescent screen by electron beams instead of light rays and ...
Food Microbiology Laboratory presents 18 well-tested, student-proven, and thoroughly outlined experiments for use in a one-semester introductory food microbiology course.
The new edition also includes alternate organisms for experiments for easy customization in Biosafety Level 1 and 2 labs.
Supported by a powerful new Art and Photo CD-ROM for instructors, this new edition provides the most current coverage, technology, and applications for microbiology students.
Based on lab experiments developed for food science and microbiology courses at the University of Massachusetts, this manual provides students with hands-on experience with both traditional methods of enumerating microorganisms from food ...
Additionally, this manual includes a general discussion of scientific writing and critical reading and detailed instructions for the preparation and peer review of lab reports.
This is an essential book for students and researchers in microbiology, the health sciences, food engineering and technology, and medicine, as well as anyone working in a laboratory setting with microorganisms.
The Microbiology Laboratory Manual by Pollack presents exercises and experiments on microbiology laboratory.