Primary Care Geriatrics: A Case-Based Approach provides the principles and key clinical information necessary to ensure the optimal management of elderly patients. Case studies are integrated throughout the text to illustrate points and insure that the emphasis is always on the clinical scenario. The book outlines the principles of geriatric primary care, provides detailed, case-based approaches to major geriatric syndromes and also covers common conditions and situations. Long acknowledged as the most practical, user-friendly text available, this new edition reflects the latest advances in the field.
Secondary headache sity of pain . disorders comprise the minority of presentations ; howAggravated by physical activity . ever , given that their underlying etiology may range Nausea and photophobia . from sinusitis to subarachnoid ...
... Data & Databases : Concepts in Practice San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ; 1999 . 104. Inmon WH . Building the Data Warehouse , 2nd ed . New York : John Wiley ; 1996 . 105. Kimball R. The Data Warehouse Toolkit .
克里福德.W.巴塞特(Clifford W. Bassett). 原,例如花粉、寵物皮屑、黴菌等等,能有助於建立對過敏原的耐受性,進而減少過敏症狀, ... 奧茲醫師秀」(The Dr.Oz Show)、「美國公共廣播電臺」(NPR )、「福斯新聞網」(Fox News)和其他媒體上談論過敏這個主題時, ...
她患了乳腺癌,却是“不幸中的万幸”中国医学科学院肿瘤医院乳腺外科王昕医生,前段时间接诊了一位40岁的山西女患者李英(化名)。回忆自己的生活,李英从来没有感到过有什么异常,可却在单位组织的体检当中,通过钼靶检查发现了右侧乳房当中有大片细小、簇状的 ...
4 “马牙”及“板牙”在牙龈部位可见散在的、淡黄色微隆起的米粒大小的颗粒,此系上皮细胞堆积所致,俗称“马牙”。有时见白色的斑块,隐约见于齿龈粘膜下,此为粘液腺潴留肿胀所致,通常称为“板牙”,均不必处理。 5 口唇及牙床青紫可能由高血红蛋白血症引起。
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