One of the most successful textbooks in pediatric dentistry, this expert resource provides superior, comprehensive coverage of oral care for infants, children, teenagers, and medically compromised individuals. Thoroughly revised material offers the most up-to-date diagnostic and treatment recommendations based on current research, literature, and clinical experience. Now in its 8th edition, this classic text continues to offer in-depth coverage of all areas relevant to the contemporary science and practice of pediatric dentistry.
Casey Foundation . 1995. Kids Count Data Book . Baltimore , MD : Annie E. Casey Foundation . Chambers , Diane . 1997. Solo Parenting : Raising Strong and Happy Families . Minneapolis : Fairview Press . Cherlin , Andrew J. , ed . 1988.
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Rudolph H. Schaffer and Peggy Emerson , The Development of Social Attachments in Infancy . Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development , No. 94 , 1964 . 38. Leavitt , Power and Emotion , citing M. Lewis 248 ENDNOTES.
Filipek , P.A. , Accardo , P.J. , Ashwal , S. , Baranek , G.T. , Cook , E.H. , Jr. , Dawson , G. , Gordon , B. , Gravel , J.S. , Johnson , C.P. , Kallen , R.J. , Levy , S.E. , Minshew , N.J. , Ozonoff , S. , Prizant , B.M. , Rapin , I.
... < your name > in the body of the message Down Syndrome Quarterly ( online journal ) Down Syndrome Society of Southern Australia European Down Syndrome resources 235.
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