Includes key terms, chapter activities, and additional critical thinking activities not found in the text.
葡萄胎患者继续发展时可在孕20周左右出现高血压、水肿、蛋白尿等其他妊娠中毒症状,并且症状严重。(4)双侧卵巢囊肿:妇科检查或超声检查时常发现双侧卵巢囊肿,此囊肿为卵巢黄素化囊肿,若发生扭转或破裂,可出现急性腹痛。黄素囊肿中储存大量的HCG, ...
Roberts , C. , Weith , A. , Passage , E. , Michot , J. L. , Mattei , M. G. , and Bishop , C. E. , Molecular and ... P. N. , Craig , I. W. , Smith , J. C. , and Wolfe , J. , Eds . , The Company of Biologists , Cambridge , 1987 , 133 .
... 278-279 , 280-281 Circumcision , in congenital heart disease , 1293 Circumvallate placenta , 427 Cisatracurium , in neonatal anesthesia , 610 Citrin deficiency , 1646 Citrulline for lysinuric protein intolerance , 1389 in urea cycle ...
population. projections. /. nation. /. detail. ,. pp . 6,11 . 3. Soules MR , Sherman S , Parrott E , et al . Executive summary : stages of reproductive aging workshop ( STRAW ) . Fertil Steril 2001 ; 76 ( 5 ) ...
服用中药汤剂时能加糖吗? fuyong zhongyaotang jishi neng jia tang ma 中草药煎成汤剂后味道苦涩,因此不少人就会在汤剂中加糖服用。然而,这样做是不科学的,因为有些中药加糖以后,将会降低药物的疗效、改变药.
... 而又迫切希望生育者,可行双侧输卵管切除术,保留卵巢及子宫。但保留的卵巢须术中剖视或冷冻切片,术后根据结核活动情况,病灶是否取净继续抗结核治疗。抗结核治疗对生殖器结核90%有效,临床常用异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、吡嗪酰胺、对氨水杨酸钠为一线抗 ...
This best-selling textbook delivers all you need to master the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship, offering step-by-step, how-to guidance on evaluating, diagnosing, and managing a full range of normal and abnormal...