Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurological Rehabilitation
Neurological Rehabilitation
Medical / Neurology
Mosby Elsevier
Darcy Ann Umphred


Including everything from basic theories to the latest breakthroughs in screening, treatments, diagnosis, and interventions, Neurological Rehabilitation, 5th Edition, is the classic neurology book for therapy students and clinicians alike. The book takes a problem-solving approach to the therapeutic management of movement limitations, quality of life, and more. With an emphasis on real-world problem solving, case studies in every chapter show the application of concepts presented. The text also details best practices put forth by the APTA and other leading physical therapy organizations.

  • Includes all terminology, information, and practices consistent with The Guide to Physical Therapy Practice
  • References best practices from the beginning to the end of a patients' care with information from the most evidence-based research
  • Includes in-depth coverage with illustrations, case studies, and examples to make it easier to understand complex information
  • Applies concepts with case studies featured in each chapter, teaching problem-solving with real world examples
  • Covers non-conventional approaches to neurological interventions such as the movement approach, energy approach, and physical body system approaches

  • Four new chapters highlight important topics on movement and development across the lifespan, health and wellness, documentation, and cardiopulmonary interaction, not often found in one complete resource
  • Highlights hot button topics in physical therapy including neurological disorders and application issues such as poor vision, pelvic floor dysfunction, and pain
  • A complete revision of the chapters provides the most current information and research

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