Including everything from basic theories to the latest breakthroughs in screening, treatments, diagnosis, and interventions, Neurological Rehabilitation, 5th Edition, is the classic neurology book for therapy students and clinicians alike. The book takes a problem-solving approach to the therapeutic management of movement limitations, quality of life, and more. With an emphasis on real-world problem solving, case studies in every chapter show the application of concepts presented. The text also details best practices put forth by the APTA and other leading physical therapy organizations.
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Weiss , Gabrielle , et al . , “ Studies on the Hyperactive Child : VIII . Five Year Follow - Up , ” Archives of General Psychiatry , Vol . 24 , 409–14 , 1971 . Morrison , James R. , and Mark A. Stewart , “ A Family Study of the ...
刘完素(刘河间)《素问玄机原病式·火类》:“中风瘫痪者,非谓肝木之风实甚而卒中也,亦非外中于风尔,由乎将息失宜,而心火暴甚,肾水虚衰,不能制之,则阴虚阳实,而热气怫郁,心神昏冒,筋骨不用而卒倒无所知也。”2正气自虚。李东垣《医学发明·中风有三》:“故中风者 ...
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