The Secrets Series® is breaking new ground again! This volume presents guidelines for performing and interpreting CT studies. You'll find all of the features you rely on Secrets Series®-such as a question-and-answer format, bulleted lists, mnemonics, and tips from the authors. No matter what questions arise, Body CT Secrets, has the answers you need.
Lockhart JS and Griffin CW : Action stat : tetany , Nursing 88 18 ( 8 ) : 33 , 1988 . Malluche HH and Faugere M : Renal osteodystrophy , Mediguide to Nephrology 1 ( 1 ) : 1-8 , 1986 . Maxwell MH and others : Clinical disorders of fluid ...
Secondary headache sity of pain . disorders comprise the minority of presentations ; howAggravated by physical activity . ever , given that their underlying etiology may range Nausea and photophobia . from sinusitis to subarachnoid ...
Cardioversion with 25 to 50 J , verapamil , digoxin , propranolol , procainamide , and quinidine . ... to 200 J , procainamide , digoxin , verapamil , and propranolol . ... Ventricular pace , ventricular sense , and inhibited .
局部反应多为膀胱刺激症状。d-BCG为减毒活菌苗,有效期一般只有5周,故用药前需与生产单位洽购,并贮存在冰箱内。BCG膀胱内灌注并发症主要为膀胱炎,另有少数病人出现高热,前列腺炎、肺炎或肝炎等。 2)丝裂霉毒:是目前临床上认为较理想的药物之一, ...
0552 Testis et Penis Canis Rhizoma Coptidis 0553 — а 0554 Huang - lu Rhizoma Yalien Rhizoma Yunlien Radix et Ramus Cotini Radix Cratoxylonis Semen Wampee Folii Wampee Huang - kou - shên 黄狗腎 Testicle & penis of dog Huang - lien ...
Cecil: Textbook of Medicine
Thoroughly revised and updated, this New Edition contains brand new information on diagnosis as well as a full range of management options in adults and children. Includes new chapters on...
Here's a portable, concise guide to differential diagnosis for over 900 signs, symptoms and clinical disorders. Differential diagnoses are listed both by presenting sign or symptom and by clinical disorder,...
This new volume in the Rapid Review Series concisely summarizes all of the high-yield material covered on the USMLE Step 2 Exam. Ideal for quick-reference, it emphasizes presentation, diagnosis, and...