Widely known and well-respected, The Little Black Book of Neurology has, through four successful editions, represented a thorough yet portable reference on this complex field, presenting definitions, classifications, and guidance on diagnosis and management for a wide range of neurological disorders. The 5th Edition offers updated and expanded coverage of neuropharmacology and neuroimaging - plus a new, more user-friendly, fast-access format that makes the book even more ideal for quick clinical consultation or as a refresher for the Boards.
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Weiss , Gabrielle , et al . , “ Studies on the Hyperactive Child : VIII . Five Year Follow - Up , ” Archives of General Psychiatry , Vol . 24 , 409–14 , 1971 . Morrison , James R. , and Mark A. Stewart , “ A Family Study of the ...
刘完素(刘河间)《素问玄机原病式·火类》:“中风瘫痪者,非谓肝木之风实甚而卒中也,亦非外中于风尔,由乎将息失宜,而心火暴甚,肾水虚衰,不能制之,则阴虚阳实,而热气怫郁,心神昏冒,筋骨不用而卒倒无所知也。”2正气自虚。李东垣《医学发明·中风有三》:“故中风者 ...
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