Handbook of Clinical Nutrition

Handbook of Clinical Nutrition
Diet therapy.
Mosby Incorporated
Jamy D. Ard, Douglas C. Heimburger


Nutrition plays an increasingly significant role in patient care and disease prevention. The Handbook of Clinical Nutrition was the first - and continues to be the most practical and convenient - comprehensive resource on providing nutritional support for your patients. This edition is thoroughly updated to bring you the latest in nutrition science and treatment and features timely, new chapters on: Metabolic Syndrome, Counseling for Lifestyle Change, Complementary / Alternative Nutritional Therapies, and Physical Activity. The liberal use of tables, detailed table of contents, and comprehensive index allow you quick access to key information, which is presented using a disease-oriented approach. The pocket-size and spiral format allow you to carry the book with you and refer to it easily. Uses a concise, clinical focus to provide just the information you need. Makes reference easy with an intuitive organization and pocket-sized spiral format Contains numerous tables of drug-nutrient interactions, therapeutic diets, food composition, lab tests, nutritional assessments, and more. Includes information on performing nutritional assessments and providing nutritional support and counselling. Expanded chapter on physical activity Contains new chapters on: o Metabolic Syndrome o Counseling for Lifestyle Change o Complementary and Alternative Nutritional Therapies o Physical Activity

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