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SUGGESTED READINGS Armour C: Hansen M.: Assessing DSM-5 latent subtypes of acute stress disorder dissociative or intrusive? Psychiatry Research 225:476–483, 2014. Bryant RA, Friedman MJ, Speigel D, Ursano R, Strain J: A review of acute ...
C. auris • C. guilliermondii • C. krusei • C. parapsilosis • C. tropicalis Note that C. auris has emerged with ... Key Topic) AUTHOR: MARLENE FISHMAN WOLPERT, M.P.H. (VRE) SUGGESTED READINGS Bearman G, Bryant K, Leekha S, Mayer J,.
... Cutaneous syndrome • Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis • Mucosal leishmaniasis–usually caused by L. braziliensis; ... speciation by PCR would be worth pursuing to distinguish L. braziliensis from less aggressive species found in ...
SUGGESTED READINGS Armour C, Hansen M: Assessing DSM-5 latent subtypes of acute stress disorder dissociative or intrusive? Psychiatry Research 225:476–483, 2014. Bryant RA, Friedman MJ, Speigel D, Ursano R, Strain J: A review of acute ...
Significantly updated with the latest developments in diagnosis and treatment recommendations, Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2020 features the popular 5 books in 1 format to organize vast amounts of information in a clinically relevant, user ...
(c) Patient awake and following commands. (d) Systolic arterial pressure >90 mm Hg without vasopressor support. ... ed 6, Philadelphia, 2011, Elsevier Saunders. 60 61 A I Acute Stress Disorder SUGGESTED READINGS Bryant.
SUGGESTED READINGS Bearman G, Bryant K, Leekha S, Mayer J et al.: Healthcare personnel attire in nonoperating room settings, ... Available at http://www.cdc.gov/hicpa c/mdro/mdro_0.html, 2014. Accessed August 1. Chapin KC et al.
Text adapted from Tuggy ML, Garcia J, Newkirk GR (eds): Pocket procedures text in Multimedia primary care procedures, Philadelphia, 2006, Saunders. Illustrations from Rosen R, Chan TC, Vilke GM, Sternbach G: Atlas of emergency ...
A bestselling title year after year, this popular "5 books in 1" reference delivers vast amounts of information in a user-friendly manner.
Low DE: Toxic shock syndrome: major advances in pathogenesis, but not treatment, Crit Care Clin 29(3):651-675, 2013. Schmitz M et al: Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome in the intensive care unit, Ann Intensive Care 8(1):88, 2018.