Applying mechanical ventilation principles to patient care, Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation: Physiological and Clinical Applications, 5th Edition helps you provide safe, appropriate, and compassionate care for patients requiring ventilatory support. A focus on evidence-based practice includes the latest techniques and equipment, with complex ventilator principles simplified for optimal learning. This edition adds new case studies and new chapters on ventilator-associated pneumonia and on neonatal and pediatric mechanical ventilation. Starting with the most fundamental concepts and building to the most advanced, expert educator J. M. Cairo presents clear, comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the rapidly evolving field of mechanical ventilation. Excerpts of Clinical Practice Guidelines developed by the AARC (American Association for Respiratory Care) make it easy to access important information regarding indications/contraindications, hazards and complications, assessment of need, assessment of outcome, and monitoring. Case Studies with exercises and Critical Care Concepts address situations that may be encountered during mechanical ventilation. Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter help in accurately gauging your comprehension and measuring your progress. Chapter outlines show the "big picture" of each chapter's content. Key terms are listed in the chapter opener, then bolded and defined at their first mention in the text. Key Point boxes highlight need-to-know information. NBRC exam-style assessment questions at the end of each chapter offer practice for the certification exam. NEW Neonatal and Pediatric Mechanical Ventilation chapter covers the latest advances and research relating to young patients. Additional case studies in each chapter present "real-life" scenarios, showing the practical application of newly acquired skills. End-of-chapter summaries help with review and in assessing your comprehension with a bulleted list of key content.
This new edition is an excellent reference for all critical care practitioners and features coverage of the physiological effects of mechanical ventilation on different cross sections of the population.
Corresponding to the chapters in Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation, 6th Edition, this workbook helps readers focus their study on the most important information and prepare for the NBRC certification exam.
Corresponding to the chapters in Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation, 6th Edition, this workbook helps readers focus their study on the most important information and prepare for the NBRC certification exam.
This new edition is an excellent reference for all critical care practitioners and features coverage of the physiological effects of mechanical ventilation on different cross sections of the population.
Corresponding to the chapters in Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation, 7th Edition, this workbook is an easy-to-use guide to help you Close correlation with the Pilbeam's main text supports learning from the textbook.
David W. Chang. Kallet, R. H., 1asmer, R. M., Luce, M., Lin, L. H., 86 Marks, D. (2000). The treatment of acidosis in acute lung injury with THAM. ... Long, M. N., Wickstrom, G., Grimes, A., Benton, C., Belcher, B., 86 Stamm, A. (1996).
Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation - Text and Workbook Package
This book is a practical and easily understandable guide for mechanical ventilation.
This new edition is an excellent reference for all critical care practitioners and features coverage of the physiological effects of mechanical ventilation on different cross sections of the population.
A practical application-based guide to adult mechanical ventilation This trusted guide is written from the perspective of authors who have more than seventy-five years' experience as clinicians, educators, researchers, and authors.