Primary Care of the Child With a Chronic Condition E-Book

Primary Care of the Child With a Chronic Condition E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Patricia Jackson Allen, Judith A. Vessey, Naomi Schapiro


Written by nurse practitioners for nurse practitioners, this one-of-a-kind resource provides the expert guidance you need to provide comprehensive primary care to children with special needs and their families. It addresses specific conditions that require alterations in standard primary care and offers practical advice on managing the major issues common to children with chronic conditions. A consistent format makes it easy to locate essential information on each condition. Plus, valuable resources help you manage the issues and gaps in health care coverage that may hinder quality care. This is the only book authored by Nurse Practitioners that focuses on managing the primary health care needs of children with chronic conditions. More than 60 expert contributors provide the most current information available on specific conditions. Comprehensive summary boxes at the end of all chronic conditions chapters provide at-a-glance access to key information. Resource lists at the end of each chronic condition chapter direct you to helpful websites, national organizations, and additional sources of information that you can share with parents and families. Updated references ensure you have access to the most current, evidence-based coverage of the latest research findings and management protocols. Four new chapters — Celiac Disease, Eating Disorders, Muscular Dystrophy, and Obesity — keep you up to date with the latest developments in treating these conditions. Autism content is updated with the latest research on autism spectrum disorders, including current methods of evaluation, identification, and management. Coverage of systems of care features new information on how to help families obtain high-quality and cost-effective coordinated services within our complex health care system. Easy-to-find boxes in the chronic conditions chapters summarize important information on treatment, associated problems, clinical manifestations, and differential diagnosis.

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