Pediatric Critical Care E-Book

Pediatric Critical Care E-Book
Elsevier Health Sciences
Jerry J. Zimmerman, Bradley P. Fuhrman


Provide the latest in superior quality care for critically ill children with the full-color, updated 4th Edition of Fuhrman and Zimmerman’s Pediatric Critical Care. In print, and now online, Drs. Bradley P. Fuhrman and Jerry J. Zimmerman use a comprehensive, organ-systems approach to help you manage a full range of disease entities. Get up-to-the-minute knowledge of topics such as acute lung injury, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and more. Implement new clinical techniques and diagnostic tests, weigh the varying perspectives of six associate editors with expertise in the field, reference 1,000+ illustrations to aid diagnosis, and keep sharp with online access to board-style review questions. This definitive title will ensure that you consistently deliver the very best intensive care to your pediatric patients. Focus on the development, function, and treatment of a wide range of disease entities with the text’s clear, logical, organ-system approach. Keep all members of the pediatric ICU team up to date with coverage of topics particularly relevant to their responsibilities. Keep current with the latest developments in palliative care, mass casualty/epidemic disease, acute respiratory failure, non-invasive ventilation, neurocritical care, neuroimaging, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, acute lung injury, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and much more. Quickly find the information you need with sections newly reorganized for easier access. Gain the perspectives of six expert associate editors on all the new developments in the field. Understand complex concepts quickly and conclusively with a brand new full-color format and more than 1,000 illustrations. Search the full text, download the image library, and access online board review questions targeting every relevant topic, all at

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