Covering the nurse's role in promoting community health, Community/Public Health Nursing, 6th Edition provides a unique 'upstream' preventive focus and a strong social justice approach in a concise, easy-to-read text. It shows how you, as a nurse, can take an active role in social action and health policy - especially in caring for diverse and vulnerable population groups. Written by community health nursing experts Mary A. Nies and Melanie McEwen, this book offers clinical examples and photo novellas showing how concepts apply to the real world, and describes the issues and responsibilities of today's community and public health nursing. UNIQUE! 'Upstream' preventive focus addresses factors that are the precursors to poor health in the community, addressing potential health problems before they occur. UNIQUE! Emphasis on community aspects in all steps of the nursing process highlights the community perspective in all health situations. UNIQUE! A 'social justice' approach promotes health for all people, including vulnerable populations. UNIQUE! Photo novellas use photographs to tell stories showing real-life clinical scenarios and applications of important community health nursing roles. Research Highlights boxes show the application of research studies to the practice of community nursing. Clinical examples offer snippets of real-life client situations. Case Study: Application of the Nursing Process feature presents practical and manageable examples for the theory, concepts, and application of the nursing process. Ethical Insights boxes highlight ethical issues and concerns that the community/public health nurse may encounter. Objectives, key terms, and chapter outlines at the beginning of every chapter introduce important concepts and terminology. NEW and UNIQUE! Veterans' Health boxes present situations and considerations related to the care of veterans. UPDATED Economics of Health Care chapter addresses the latest changes related to health care reform. UPDATED Healthy People 2020 boxes include the most current national health care objectives. UPDATED Communicable Disease chapter covers current public health surveillance and outbreaks of emerging health threats, including emerging infections (e.g., H1N1, SARS, West Nile virus).
... and other programs targeted to the specific hazards identified in the workplace (Walz and Wehse, 2002; Rogers, Randolph, and Mastrianno, 2009). Women's health and safety issues such as maternal-child health, reproductive health, ...
Ross L, Johnson J, Smallwood SW, et al.: Using CBPR to extend prostate cancer education, counseling, and screening opportunities to urban-dwelling African-Americans, Cancer Educ 31(4):702–708, Dec 2016. Rowlands G, Nutbeam D: Health ...
Journal of Health Visiting, 1(2), 117–121. Sandel, M., Sheward, R., & Sturtevant, L. (2015). Compounding stress: The timing and duration effects of homelessness on children's health. Insights from Housing Policy Research.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Poirier, P. A. (2012). Humanbecoming: Transcending the now to explore the possibles in health policy. Nursing Science Quarterly, 25(1), 104—110, doi: 10.1177/0894318411429036.
OF HOUSES DEATHS FROM CHOLERA DEATHS PER 10,000 HOUSEHOLDS Southwark and Vauxhall 40,046 1263 315 Lambeth 26,107 98 37 Rest of London 256,423 1422 59 2.3 Unintentional injuries Chronic nephritis and renal sclerosis Vascular lesions.
The VA has created veteran peer support specialist positions within mental health programs. Peer support specialists are ... The WRIISC is part of VALs PostDeployment Health Services (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs [VA], 2021i).
Guterman S, Dobson A: Impact of the Medicare prospective payment system for hospitals, Health Care Financing Rev 7:97–114, 1986. Keating SB, Kelman GB: Home health care nursing: concepts and practice, Philadelphia, 1998, JB Lippincott.
Liability for managing care (Leonard and Miller, 2012; Sminkey and LeDoux, 2016) 3. Experimental treatment and technology (Sminkey and LeDoux, 2016) • Inappropriate design or implementation of the case management system • Failure to ...
Population-Centered Health Care in the Community Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster ... 836–837 and third phase of health care system, 104 Chronic disease self-management (CDSMP), 677 Chronic liver disease, 332 Chronic stress, ...
Covering a multitude of commonly encountered community and public health settings, situations, and populations, this updated edition familiarizes you with today's most prominent public health issues and empowers you to promote health, ...