With expanded and updated information including current techniques, approaches, and case studies, the 3rd edition of this bestselling book continues its reputation as a dependable and outstanding evidence-based source on acquired motor speech disorders in adults. It covers the substrates of motor speech and its disorders, the disorders and their diagnoses, and management -- focusing on integrating what is known about the bases of motor speech disorders with the realities of clinical practice to ensure readers have the key content they need to be effective practitioners. Three-part organization first covers the neurologic underpinnings of speech, then the various disorders resulting from problems in the nervous system, and then the basic principles and disorder-specific management strategies. Emphasis on evidence-based practice helps distill disparate information and stresses the best practices within motor speech disorders. Cutting-edge research ensures this book contains the most comprehensive and up-to-date look at the state of motor speech disorders. Case studies help clarify dense and difficult content and help hone your critical thinking skills. Summary tables and boxes offer easy access to important information such as causes and characteristics to aid in differential diagnosis. Chapter outline and summary sections keep you focused on the most significant information. NEW! Accompanying Evolve site features an interactive PowerPoint presentation with more than 60 audio and video clips demonstrating various disorders. NEW! Updated content incorporates Dr. Duffy’s findings from nearly 1,000 new articles on motor speech disorders. UNIQUE! Two-color design and larger trim size help highlight key information and allow for easier lay-flat reading.
Motor Speech Disorders Passcode: Substrates, Differential Diagnosis, and Management
This text contains several noteworthy modifications. 1. DVD - contains 26 video segments showing children and adults with dysarthria and apraxia OF SPEECH engaged in a range OF speaking tasks.
: MOTOR SPEECH DISORDERS: DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT, 2E offers a detailed, yet streamlined introduction to motor speech disorders, including a brief historical review, a practical introduction to relevant anatomy and physiology, and chapters ...
Addresses theory, assessment procedures, treatment and management, issues in swallowing and feeding, stuttering, augmentative and alternative communication methods, and functional treatment outcomes. Extensive references.
S. (1993). Dysarthria Examination Battery. San Antonio: Communication Skills Builders Duffy, J.R. (1995). ... Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 28, 345-355 Mitchell, H.L., Hoit, J.C., & Watson, P.J. ( 1996).
In C. Code (Ed.), The characteristics ofaphasia (pp. 53–74). Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis. Schwartz, D., & Halpern, H. (1973). Effect of body-image stimuli on verbal errors of dysphasic subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, ...
The stimulus for writing this book arose from the author's perception of a lack of available texts which adequately integrate the subjects of neuroanatomy and functional neurology with the practice of speech language pathology.
Hixon TI, Hoit ID: Physical examination of the abdominal wall by the speech-language pathologist, Am I Speech-Lang Pathol 8:335, 1999. Hixon TI, Hoit ID: Physical examination of the diaphragm by the speech-language pathologist, ...
Motor Speech Disorders
This collection presents the latest and most important theoretical developments in the area of speech motor control.