Ebersole & Hess' Toward Healthy Aging - E-Book: Human Needs and Nursing Response

Ebersole & Hess' Toward Healthy Aging - E-Book: Human Needs and Nursing Response
Elsevier Health Sciences
Theris A. Touhy, Kathleen F Jett


Grounded in the core competencies recommended by the AACN in collaboration with the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, Ebersole & Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging, 8th Edition is the most comprehensive resource on health promotion and maintenance for older adults and their caregivers. With coverage of communication, safety and ethical considerations, new genetic research, key aging issues, and common and uncommon conditions, you will have the knowledge you need to promote healthy lifestyle choices, properly address end-of-life issues, and provide effective, holistic care for older adults. Consistent chapter organization with objectives, case studies with critical thinking questions, and research questions make information easy to access and use. A strong focus on health and wellness emphasizes a positive approach to aging. Disease processes are discussed in the context of healthy adaptation, nursing support, and responsibilities. Research highlights help incorporate the latest research findings into practice. Nutrition chapter includes the most current guidelines for older adults and addresses patients’ dietary needs. Scales and guidelines for proper health assessment provide the essential information for assessing the older adult patient. Case studies with critical thinking questions offer realistic situations to expand your knowledge and understanding. Careful attention to age, cultural, and gender differences are integrated throughout and highlight important considerations when caring for older adults. Content grounded in the core competencies offers the knowledge needed to achieve the National League for Nursing ACES program’s Essential Nursing Actions and meets the Recommended Baccalaureate Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for the Nursing Care of Older Adults, the Geriatric Nursing Education State of the Science Papers, and the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing Best Practices in Nursing Care to Older Adults. NEW! QSEN content highlights quality and safety issues students need to know when treating older patients. NEW! Chapter covering the role of communication emphasizes the importance of communication in improving care. NEW! Focus on genetics highlights the vast amount of new genetic research and its effects on all aspects of health and aging. NEW! Information on ethical considerations explores and illustrates potential issues when dealing with older adults. NEW! Healthy People 2020 information assists your students in integrating their knowledge about healthy aging considerations into care.

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