Get more practice with medical assisting competencies and test your critical thinking skills! Designed to reinforce your understanding of Kinn’s The Administrative Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach, 8th Edition by Alexandra P. Adams, this study guide offers a complete review of content and a wide range of exercises to help you master CAAHEP and ABHES competencies and prepare for your career in medical assisting. A variety of exercises test your knowledge and critical thinking skills, including vocabulary review, multiple choice, fill in the blank, and true/false questions. The most current content and competencies associated with CAAHEP and ABHES are included, such as emergency preparedness, patient education, and documentation. Procedure checklists allow you to tear out each sheet and submit to your instructor for evaluation. Additional exercises enhance learning with skills and concepts, word puzzles, case studies, workplace applications, and Internet activities. Work documentation proves to your instructor and to accrediting organizations that you have completed each competency. UPDATED coverage of the Electronic Health Record ensures that you are familiar with the technology you'll use on the job. UPDATED content reflects revisions to the Kinn’s The Administrative Medical Assistant, 8th Edition textbook. Expanded coverage of emergency preparedness helps you meet specific CAAHEP and ABHES requirements.
The reorganized 14th edition includes expanded content on topics from professionalism and interpersonal skills to billing and coding, electronic health records, and practice management as well as a new chapter reviewing medical terminology, ...
FiGURE 26-32 When precise gonad shielding is required for female patients, place the lower margin of the shield on the upper margin of the pubic symphysis. (Bontrager KL, Lampignano J: Textbook of radiographic positioning and related ...
Based on trusted content from the bestselling Kinn’s product suite, this brand-new text and its accompanying resources incorporate the latest standards and competencies throughout, as well as approachable coverage of math, medical ...
The 2nd edition adds coverage of expanded skills approved in many states. It’s all the review and practice you need to succeed in the classroom and begin preparing for a successful and rewarding career as a Medical Assistant.
Now in its 3rd Edition, this popular text gives office personnel just what they need to perform all of their nonclinical tasks with greater skill and efficiency. You get the...
The opening quotes renowned author A.J. Cronin: “Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we must seek our way, lost and confused, now and again ...
Dr. Patrick recommends that Mr. Tim Shields start taking Rituxan (rituximab) for non–Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). She provides informed consent to Mr. Shields about the risks of Rituxan, including the possibility of a serious allergic ...
Check this understanding with another student or the instructor. Write these concepts in your notebook. STUDY HINTS FOR ALL STUDENTS Ask Questions! There are no stupid questions. If you do not know something or are not sure about it, ...
Due diligence, 288-289 Due process, 94, 96 Durable medical equipment (DME), 23 Duties, 76, 78 list of, in medical offices, 192, 192f negligence and, 103 DVDs. See Digital video disks (DVDs). Dying. See Death.
Assess your knowledge, enhance your critical thinking capabilities, and apply the skills you've learned in Today's Medical Assistant with this engaging study guide!