
Social Science
William G. Doerner, Steven P. Lab


Victimology, Seventh Edition, introduces students to the criminal justice system in the United States and its impact on crime victims. Authors William Doerner and Steven Lab provide a fresh look at the theoretical basis of victimology and then present the key facets of crime and its effects. They examine financial and social costs both to the individual and to the larger community. This new edition uses the theoretical foundation of victimology to establish a clear conceptual framework and reduce repetition. Emerging trends in the field receive greater emphasis in this edition, including non-adversarial resolutions that offer remediation for crime victims. Crimes like intimate-partner violence and victimization in work or school environments continue to take a toll, and the authors examine efforts to prevent these crimes as well as responses after an incident occurs. Doerner and Lab challenge students to rethink the current response to crime victims, and to develop improved approaches to this costly social issue. Online supplements are available for both professors and students. A new chapter on explaining victimization provides context and a backdrop for examining emerging trends A new chapter on hate crimes delves into the complexities faced by victims as they negotiate the reporting process The text is supplemented by learning tools including chapter-by-chapter learning objectives, key terms, illustrative figures and tables, and call-outs to related Internet sites

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