The most-trusted resource for physiatry knowledge and techniques, Braddom’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation remains an essential guide for the entire rehabilitation team. With proven science and comprehensive guidance, this medical reference book addresses a range of topics to offer every patient maximum pain relief and optimal return to function. In-depth coverage of the indications for and limitations of axial and peripheral joints through therapies enables mastery of these techniques. Optimize the use of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment. A chapter covering PM&R in the international community serves to broaden your perspective in the field. Detailed illustrations allow you to gain a clear visual understanding of important concepts. New lead editor - Dr. David Cifu – was selected by Dr. Randall Braddom to retain a consistent and readable format. Additional new authors and editors provide a fresh perspective to this edition. Features comprehensive coverage of the treatment of concussions and military amputees. Includes brand-new information on rehabilitating wounded military personnel, the latest injection techniques, speech/swallowing disorders, head injury rehabilitation, and the rehabilitation of chronic diseases. New chapters on pelvic floor disorders and sensory impairments keep you at the forefront of the field. Reader-friendly design features an updated table of contents and improved chapter approach for an enhanced user experience.
Crue BL, Todd EM: The importance of flexion in cervical halter traction, Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 30:95–98, 1965. Cyriax J: Conservative treatment of lumbar disclesions, Physiotherapy 50:300–303, 1964. Cyriax J, Russell G: Textbook ...
In this edition, lead editor Dr. David X. Cifu and his team of expert associate editors and contributing authors employ a more succinct format that emphasizes need-to-know material, incorporating new key summary features, including high ...
Jacobson E: Progress relaxation, Chicago, 1938, University of Chicago Press. Jamison RN, Raymond SA, Slawsky EA, et al: Opioid therapy for chronic noncancer back pain, Spine 23:2591-2600, 1996. Janssen SA, Philip S, Arntz A: The effect ...
Comprehensive text on physical medicine and rehabilitation, with an emphasis on keeping 'reader efficiency' in mind.
Doody's Core Title 2013! "This book does an excellent job and is currently the only known review book for physiatrists.
With content organized around the American board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation core curriculum, this powerful review is enhanced by more than 500 review questions and answers, and concise, bulleted, high-yield text.
Divided into four sections, the book covers all rehabilitation topics and is packed with practical information useful in daily practice, including disease-specific order sets and tips for managing the wide range of issues that commonly ...
This edition has eight new chapters including evidence-based rehabilitation; robotic therapies; emerging technologies and interventions; and neural repair and plasticity.
Barriers and medical challenges are also thoroughly discussed, including common musculoskeletal issues, methods to prevent ... Mary E. Gannotti, Amy F. Bailes, and Susan D. Horn Registries are a powerful tool for clinical research.
See Behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia (BPSD) Bradyarrhythmias, 149t Brain, 17, 17t, 99, ... assessment of behaviour, 83 assessment of cognitive function, 82 behavioural interventions, 83 cognitive behavioural therapy, ...