Prepare for success in today's fast-paced, collaborative healthcare environment! Offering expert perspectives from a variety of primary care and nurse practitioners, Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, 5th Edition helps you diagnose, treat, and manage hundreds of adult disorders. Care recommendations indicate when to consult with physicians or specialists, and when to refer patients to an emergency facility. This edition includes six new chapters, a fresh new design, the latest evidence-based guidelines, and a new emphasis on clinical reasoning. Combining academic and clinical expertise, an author team led by Terry Mahan Buttaro shows NPs how to provide effective, truly interdisciplinary health care. UNIQUE! A collaborative perspective promotes seamless continuity of care, with chapters written by NPs, physicians, PAs, and other primary care providers. Comprehensive, evidence-based content covers every major disorder of adults seen in the outpatient office setting, reflects today's best practices, and includes the knowledge you need for the NP/DNP level of practice. A consistent format in each chapter is used to describe disorders, facilitating easier learning and quick clinical reference. Diagnostics and Differential Diagnosis boxes provide a quick reference for diagnosing disorders and making care management decisions. Complementary and alternative therapies are addressed where supported by solid research evidence. Referral icons highlight situations calling for specialist referral or emergency referral. NEW chapters cover topics including transitional care, risk management, LGBTQ patient care, bullous pemphigoid, pulmonary embolism, and dysphagia. NEW! An emphasis on clinical reasoning helps you develop skills in diagnosis and treatment, with coverage moving away from pathophysiology and toward diagnostic reasoning and disease management — including pharmacologic management. NEW focus on interdisciplinary care underscores the importance of interprofessional education and practice, and includes Interdisciplinary Management features. UPDATED chapters reflect the latest literature and evidence-based treatment guidelines, including new content on the Affordable Care Act as well as new coverage of patient satisfaction metrics, quality metrics, value-based purchasing, pharmacogenetics/genomics, and teen pregnancy and abnormal pregnancy. NEW quick-reference features make it easier to locate important information, through colorful section tabs, bulleted summaries, additional algorithms, a more logical table of contents, an Index to Standardized Treatment Guidelines, and a Reference to Common Laboratory Values.
Woolf AD, Gardiner PM, Dvorkin-Camiel L, et al: Arthritis: herbs— Western. In Loo M, editor: Integrative medicine for children, St Louis, 2009b, Saunders/Elsevier, p 156. World Health Organization (WHO): WHO traditional medicine ...
A guide to advanced assessment and clinical diagnosis, this text is organized in a body systems framework and focuses on the adult patient. Each chapter focuses on a major problem associated with each particular body system.
Pocket Primary Care is a handy summary of key clinical information designed to form the basis of an individual's pocket notebook or to be integrated into one's own notebook.
... an 18% association with ASD (Christensen et al., 2014). Children who receive no intervention have poorer functional abilities; they make less progress developmentally and are at risk for unnecessary contractures and deformities.
Aimed at emerging researchers, including those in developing countries, this book also addresses cutting edge and newly developing research methods, which will be of equal interest to more experienced researchers.
This reference book includes common primary care diagnoses in a bulleted format for quick reference.
Retrieved from Chey, WD, and Wong, BCY. American College of Gastroenterology ... Retrieved from www.guideline.gove/summary/ summary.aspx?doc_id=9306&nbr=004976&string=p Ruttecki, GW.
NEW! Grading rubrics are provided on the companion Evolve website to help you develop your answers. NEW! Introduction explains how to get the most out of the book.
Clare L, Woods RT, Moniz Cook ED, Orrell M, Spector A. Cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive training for early-stage Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (4):CD003260, 2003. 36.
The organization of each case study simulates the patient care journey from chief complaint to outcome. Serving as a virtual clinical preceptor, this workbook can be used independently or in a classroom setting.