Get the most out of your textbook with this helpful study tool! Corresponding to the chapters in Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 8th Edition, by Marilyn Edmunds, this study guide offers a rich variety of learning resources to help you master nursing pharmacology and medication safety. Worksheets in each chapter include review questions, along with math review, dosage calculation exercises, and research and critical thinking activities emphasizing clinical decision-making and prioritization. Correlation to the Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology textbook and Evolve resources reinforces key safety content such as drug interactions, allergic reactions, adverse drug responses, care of the older adult, and cultural considerations. Review sheets help you remember common measures, formulas, and difficult concepts. A variety of learning activities includes short answer, matching, multiple-choice, multiple-select, math review, dosage calculation, and critical thinking exercises. Answers for all activities and questions may be found on the Evolve companion website. Blank medication cards allow you to fill in important drug information to take along to clinicals. Learning objectives and cross references to related materials are provided at the beginning of each chapter. NEW! Increased emphasis on critical thinking, clinical decision-making, and prioritization encourages you to apply your knowledge with new research and practice application activities at the end of every chapter. NEW! Updated questions and activities reflect the new content and emphases in the Edmunds textbook, Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 8th Edition.
EDITION 10 Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology Constance G. Visovsky, PhD, RN, ACNP, FAAN Professor and Lewis & Leona Hughes Endowed Chair in Nursing Science College of Nursing University of South Florida Tampa, Florida Cheryl H.
This new edition includes Lifespan Considerations which explain important alerts you need to be aware of when administering drugs to pediatric and geriatric patients.
0 24 13 Figure 14.1 Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale. (Reprinted with permission from Hockenberry, M.J., Wilson, D., & Winkelstein, M.L. [2005]. Wong's Essentials essentials of Pediatric Nursing [7th ed., p. 1259]. St. Louis: Mosby.).
Now featuring a full-color design and illustrations, this popular textbook combines a clear and concise format with up-to-date coverage of nursing pharmacology.
Previous edition has subtitle: "a nursing process approach."
Corresponding chapter by chapter to Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology, 10th Edition, this study guide provides exercises designed to help you administer medications safely and prevent drug errors.
Clear and concise, this text uses colorful illustrations, case scenarios, and memory devices to simplify learning and review questions to aid comprehension.
This is achieved through self-contained topics, with concise text on the left and a diagram on the right to elaborate and reinforce the text.
You have just entered the medication room where Todd, another nurse, has just finished pouring capsules for Mr. Johnson, when he is called away in an emergency. As he rushes past you, he calls back, asking you to please give Mr. Johnson ...
Written by leading experts in academia, industry, clinical and regulatory settings, the fourth edition has been thoroughly updated to provide readers with an ideal reference on the wide range of important topics impacting clinical ...