Medical-Surgical Nursing - 2-Volume Set - Text and Virtual Clinical Excursions Online Package: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care
Medical-surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes
Revised edition previously published as: Medical-surgical nursing: Assessment and management of clinical problems / Sharon L. Lewis [and five others]. 10th edition. [2017].
This text provides a reliable foundation in anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, medical management, and nursing care for the full spectrum of adult health conditions.
The serum folate level is low (normal is 5–25 ng/mL [11–57 nmol/L]) and the serum cobalamin level is normal. ... A loss of 50 to 75 mL of blood from the upper GI tract is enough for stools to appear black (melena).
Composed of more than 70 cases ranging from common to unique, the book compiles years of experience from experts in the field.
Accompanying CD-ROM contains ... "review questions for the NCLEX examination, animations (including a neurology review), interactive exercises, and an audio glossary." -- p. [4] of cover.
Nutri Notes: Nutrition And Diet Therapy Pocket Guide
McPhee J, Hill J, Eslami M: The impact of gender on presentation, therapy, and mortality of abdominal aortic aneurysms in the US, 2001-2004, J Vasc Surg 45:891, 2007. 19. Tinkman M: The endovascular approach to abdominal aortic aneurysm ...
Surgical options include transurethral incision of the diverticular neck, marsupialization (creation of a permanent opening) of the diverticular sac into the vagina (often referred to as a Spence procedure), and surgical excision.