Covering every area of the ABPN board exam, the 3rd Edition of Psychiatry Test Preparation and Review Manual, by Drs. J. Clive Spiegel and John M. Kenny, includes 1,100 questions, online video vignettes and an online timed assessment to prepare you for certification or recertification success. You’ll know exactly what to expect when exam day arrives, thanks to current coverage of the latest research in both psychiatry and neurology, as well as a format that precisely mimics all aspects of the written exam. Features six tests of 150 multiple-choice questions each, as well as 160 multiple-choice questions related to case vignettes. Allows you to see results broken down by topic online, so you can target areas needing further study. Bookmarking and score archiving are also available online. Allows you to exclude topics which are not included on the MOC, such as neuroscience and neurology, so you can more narrowly focus your study. Gives clear explanations for both insufficient/incorrect and correct answers, and provides recommended readings from key textbooks. Reflects the latest research and clinical practice in both psychiatry and neurology. NEW! Eight new video vignettes featuring patient interviews, each with accompanying multiple-choice questions. NEW! All questions relating to diagnostic criteria have been updated to the DSM-5.
This trusted review covers every area of the ABPN board exam, and is also an excellent resource for MOC and PRITE study.
... scars and abrasions on the back of the hand (Russell's sign), Mallory–Weiss syndrome (bleeding from tears in the esophageal mucosa caused by repetitive retching), Barrett's esophagus, erosion of tooth enamel, parotid gland swelling, ...
The book contains more than 1,600 multiple-choice questions and answers, with explanatory discussions of correct and incorrect responses.
Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists
Each chapter covers everything you need to know to pass the exam and includes end-of-chapter questions to check your knowledge. The review concludes with a full-length practice test to get you ready for exam day.
Although readers are advised to consult a range of resources in preparation for the examination, this guide is indispensable.
It is a daunting task to distill a psychiatrist's education and training into a single, comprehensive resource, but that is precisely what this review guide does to thoroughly prepare candidates taking the American Board of Psychiatry and ...
These are contrasted with psychiatric diagnoses and treatments, which are described as unclear and inadequate in comparison.
Designed as a results-oriented study guide that delivers everything needed to improve knowledge, confidence and recall. Over 3000 rapid-fire questions cover all topics on the psychiatry boards.
Luoma JB, Kohlenberg BS, Hayes SC, Fletcher L. Slow and steady wins the race: A randomized clinical trial of acceptance and commitment therapy targeting shame in substance use disorders. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2012;80:43.